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Friday, July 15, 2011

Vacation Disappointment

If you read my other blog, Gastronomy (by a Wanna-be Chef), you already know that my cousin and his family were just here from Vietnam.  Thanks to one of my mom's most generous friends, we had a house at N. Myrtle Beach for a few days so we could get our kids together one more time before they all head back to Hanoi.  Not only is Charlotte's house an awesome set-up for a group, it's close to lots of stuff and is only a few blocks from the beach.  Thanks to their ultra-cool, mac-daddy golf cart, we can motor on down to the access point, complete with golf cart parking lot, and voila!  we're on the beach.

I use my iPhone w/geocaching app
One afternoon, I started checking out my geocaching app to see if there were any caches nearby.  What luck!  There was one in a small shopping center parking lot right around the corner.  I knew from the recent logs that a few people had logged frowny faces, but I was still optimistic that WE could find it.  So, my "cousin-in-law" Lisa and I loaded the kids up on the golf cart and went around the corner.  But, you can probably guess what happened...

We were at the right spot, of that I have no doubt.  But it was in a location right off the parking lot, highly visible and has clearly been muggled.  I hope the owner reads the field logs soon and replaces the cache.  But, the best part is that the kids all had fun looking.  My cousin was skeptical that they'd find any caches in Vietnam...surely no one there plays the game?  So, I simply plugged in the word Hanoi into my app then starting asking him, "So, do you know where the National Military Museum is?"  Uh huh.  "How about the Master Pagoda?"  Yes, I do.  "Well, what about "Cuc Phuong?"  Ok, he was getting the idea.  Those came from the first list of 10 that showed up.  So, hopefully, once they make it back home, they might remember geocaching and give it a shot.  I think it'd be pretty exciting caching in another country!

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