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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Newbies are Gettin' the Hang of it

The bunny ears have migrated to her waist.  But she's still incognito!
I've been waiting so long to try geocaching so I'm excited that the time has finally arrived.  All these years I've been waiting for Viv to get old enough to understand it and to want to participate.  The problem with scenarios like this is that there's a 50% chance that the child won't get into it.  What a let-down that would be!  

Thankfully Vivian seems to really be interested in the game.  And, she's getting pretty darn good at it too.  This morning she asked if we could go find one before school.  Yes!  I am so happy that she's liking it!  So, we went through all our morning chores (breakfast, teeth brushed, hair brushed, etc.) and hit the road.  We went down the street to Owens Field.  This cache was the best one for us so far.  It was cleverly hidden inside a tree and I didn't have to lead her to it.  She spotted it on her own!  And, she's understanding the whole idea of being clandestine.  For instance, she insisted on wearing bunny ears today so any "muggles" would mistake her for a rabbit rather than "someone who is getting cache."

Pretty crafty if you ask me!

1 comment:

  1. I want to see a picture of Viv in the bunny ears!



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